
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Month 12

August 5, 2010

Dear Haley,

Happy, happy, happiest of birthdays! I am amazed that you’re one already - this first year has been incredible and amazing and completely wonderful - all because of you. You’re arrival on the scene has changed the dynamic of our family of 2 to a great big 3 (or 5 if you want to include the dogs). And you’ve changed our family in the best possible ways. Daddy and I are over the moon for you!

I have loved each stage, each month of your first year of life for different reasons. Each one has been my favorite. The whole first year is all about falling in love over and over again. The newness of having a baby (She’s ours! We made her!) is overwhelming. It’s like Christmas each and every day. Then bits and pieces of your personality start to peek through. Then the baby chub arrives. Soon we had smiles and chuckles. Then came mobility - first with rolling over and wiggling, then with scooting which turned into crawling. Now we’re standing up - you’re still thinking about taking those first steps. You’ve made noises from the beginning - squeaky at first, then a jazzy alto of babbles, now you’re full of chatter. Daddy and I love how expressive you are - already full of opinions on important matters like food and music.

I look back at pictures from August 5, 2009 and can still so vividly remember first meeting you. I remember hearing you cry and the wave of emotions that came over me. I knew I would love you from the start, but I was unprepared for the depth of that love. My heart beats for you little lady bug.

Thank you for making our first year together so memorable and so much fun. I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for us.

You are the sun, the moon and the stars in my sky.


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