We're 18 weeks today and quickly approaching the half-way mark. The baby is the size of a bell pepper; approximately 7 ounces and 5.5" long. I'm sporting maternity clothes full-time these days - the baby belly has officially arrived! Four more weeks until we find out what we're having - I'm counting down the days!

Baby furniture has been picked out! It's been an exhaustive search - Mom and I have hit up every known baby furniture place in town. After all our searching Karl and I settled on something on-line...how 21st century of us. We're excited to get it set up in the nursery - we think the baby will love it!
Karl and I were lucky enough to be part of the first official babysitting team last Saturday night. It was a group effort shared between us, the grandparents and Roxie. Charlie's infrequent cries didn't stand a chance with a 5 to 1 babysitter ratio. He was a model baby and provided us with ample opportunity to snuggle and cuddle. Karl and I have volunteered for additional babysitting; we need the practice!

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