Week 16 has started off uneventful and we like this trend. Our next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to hearing the heartbeat. At our last appointment the little one decided to hide out making it difficult to find the heartbeat, but an ultrasound gave us a good view of him/her swimming about. Our baby is the size of an avocado, hence the baby's name...we think it has a nice ring to it for a boy or girl.
Speaking of names, we've narrowed our list down and have one picked for a boy and a girl. Karl picked the girl's name years ago, long before we were even married. In fact, I have been told that there are no other girl name options. Good thing I love his choice. We're really excited to find out what we're having. Only 5 more weeks - let the countdown begin!
Our rock star nephew, Charlie is thriving. We can't wait to see him again!

Our rock star nephew, Charlie is thriving. We can't wait to see him again!
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