
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trying To Figure It Out

Hello Blog, Haley here. Mom gave me some crazy thing this morning and expected me to play with it...what was she thinking? Turns out, it's fun! Here I am meeting my new friend for the first time.

This is my thinking face, I'm trying to figure out what in the world this thing is.

Uh oh, my new friend is just out of my reach. I'm going to lean waaaaay over here and give Mom a heart attack.

This thing is awesome! My friend makes noise, I love noise! I'm really noisey or so Mom and Dad say.

Please don't take it away Mom, I'm having fun!

This is just me, looking cute.

See you later alligators!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Cuteness

Some pictures to amp up your Friday cute quotient.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Month 7

March 5, 2010

Dear Haley,

Seven is possible you are seven months old already? Before you were born there were times I would wish for time to speed up. I wanted to be older, I wanted it to be Summer, and I wanted Christmas to come early. Now that you’re in my life I want to slow all the watches and clocks in the world. I want to bottle up your babyhood and carry it with me forever. I so wish I could spend the days with you, I feel like I’m missing out on so much.

I swear that the world changed colors for you now that you can sit up. You watch everything and everyone, soaking it all in. It's so fun to watch your mind work; I wonder what you think of things. But you also interact with people; I don’t think you’ve ever met a stranger! Random people in the store or mall are squawked at and then given a big smile, showing off your two new teeth.

You bring such unimaginable joy to our lives, Haley Bug. Daddy and I love to love on you! Your cheeks are so kissable and your chubby baby thighs are so squeezable. Tickles and belly raspberries make you smile and laugh. Your dad and I will do anything and everything to make you laugh. I think second to hearing your first cry, your laugh is one of my all time favorite sounds. Coming in at a close third are your babbles.

I hope you always keep your sweetness and continue to find the humor and joy in everyday life.

You are the sun, the moon and the stars in my sky.
