Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Haley and I received a clean bill of health at our doctor's appointment earlier this week. I asked Dr. Newby if she guesstimates the weight of her patients babies. She thinks that I'm on track to deliver an 8 pounder...wow! Of course, the doctor was quick to say that her estimation is just that...and I shouldn't get too hung up on the size. Karl and I continue to be thankful for a healthy pregnancy.
Haley and I have had two baby showers in just 5 days time! The first was thrown by my best friend Stacey and her mom Kathy. To say Haley and I were spoiled would be an understatement. Everything from the decor to the food was amazing - Stacey and Kathy put so much work into everything. Haley and I had a great time! I continue to believe Karl's nesting instinct is stronger than mine. After I showed him all of our loot he immediately wanted to wash all the clothes and put together those items requiring assembly.
The second was hosted by several co-workers. I was treated to lunch at Grand Street Cafe and again, was spoiled rotten.
It's amazing to know how many people are excited to meet Haley. Karl and I are incredibly blessed to have such amazing friends, family and co-workers.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
We're continuing to count down the weeks until Haley's arrival - t-minus 7 and counting! I think Karl's nesting instinct is stronger than mine. Last night he bought and assembled shelves for her closet. He's such a good dad! For Father's Day, Haley gave Karl a cute I Love Daddy bib...that will come in handy for all those late night feedings he'll tackle:O) Barley and Chloe made him a special breakfast, with my assistance. We all love him so much!
Last weekend we attended our birthing class, which was a giant disappointment to say the least. Karl and I both think that the instructor could make for a great Saturday Night Live skit. We learned that Karl's biggest and most important job as a labor coach is to have the car gassed up and ready to go. That was her biggest piece of advice...and sadly we paid $65 for that bit of knowledge. Fortunately, I've been doing a lot of reading and Karl has been absorbing my random bits of knowledge I read aloud to him. Also, my best friend Stacey and sister-in-law Paige have been valuable resources of baby knowledge - they graciously answer all of my (ridiculous) questions.
I have to give a special shout out to Karl. He suprised me last night with a new wardrobe of maternity clothes. For a guy that claims to hate shopping, he picked out a bunch of really cute things. Thanks Babes, you're the greatest!
Monday, June 15, 2009
32 Weeks
Our latest doctor's appointment went off without a hitch. Everything looks great on both the mom and baby fronts.
We want to wish Paige a belated Happy Birthday! Barley, Chloe, Karl, Haley and I are wishing her another fantastic year and all the chocolate she can handle.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I gave Karl a hardwood floor vacuum. I don't know if I've ever seen him so excited over a gift (who gets excited over a vacuum?). Karl's folks recently showed me some video of Karl as a little one and there was an extended portion of the video showing Karl "playing" with a broom and vacuum. Seeing that explained SO much to me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Karl had is first (and perhaps only) taste of Babies R Us last week. He was a champ! Next week Karl and I take our birthing class. Poor Karl doesn't seem excited about watching a video of a live birth.
Today is Karl and my third anniversary. It's hard to believe that we've been married for 3 years and have a little one on the way. I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else but Karl, he's an amazing husband.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Little Miss Chubby Cheeks
Karl and I and both sets of grandparents were treated to a sneak peek of Haley last Friday. Babycakes was active all day long, so I was hopeful she'd give us a show during our 3D ultrasound, however in true baby fashion she slept the entire time. We were still able to get some good images of her face - her chubby cheeks are too cute! I think we even managed to see a smile.
(I apologize for the quality of the photo...I don't have access to a scanner.)
We've made it to 30 weeks...I simply cannot believe it. The clock continues to tick and in 10 weeks our girl will be here! Our trusty internet sources tell us that Haley is weighing in at almost 3 pounds and is 15.7 inches long; about the size of a cabbage. Haley and I received a clean bill of health at the doctor's today. She's still breech, but Dr. Newby assures me that most babies turn around on their own in the next few weeks - keep your fingers crossed!