Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Where Did They Go?
The Nursery
The Reading Corner
The cushions for the glider are a work in progress, the fabric is too cute! For some reason everyone thinks that the books I've picked out are too advanced for a baby. You mean she won't be reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn at a few months old?
The Artwork
The giraffee print hung in baby Karl's room, it was a gift from Nancy's former co-workers in Buffalo, NY.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorable Weekend
We kicked off our weekend with more adventures in babysitting. Charlie was a champ, per usual. He seems to think his aunt is a dork because she kept giving him raspberries on his tummy.
Lastly, we enjoyed Celebration at The Station with a huge group of family and friends. The fireworks were awesome and Haley seemed to like them in utero. The kicks came fast and furious once the fireworks started.
We're at 29 weeks and Haley is approximately 15 inches long and weighs 2 1/2" pounds; much like a butternut squash. I'm feeling all 15 inches and 2 1/2 pounds - my feet are quickly disappearing from my view!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Let the Countdown Begin!
Per our trusty internet sources, Haley is the size of a Chinese Cabbage. This means she's weighing in at 2.5 pounds and is 14.8 inches long. The girl continues to grow and boy do I know it!

Still feeling good, but starting to get uncomfortable and most definitely noticing the baby. She moves constantly and the kicks/punches are starting to get stronger. I enjoyed a pre-natal massage last week and it was 90 minutes of bliss. I tried to convince the massage therapist to move in to our house, but oddly enough she didn't take me up on the offer. I'm thankful to be pregnant during the spring and summer - dresses, skirts and flip-flops have become my wardrobe staples.
Karl and I are going to tackle the nursery over Memorial Day weekend. In true Dad fashion, Karl thinks the carpet needs to go and new flooring should be put down. Once that's done we can hang things on the walls and really make it cute. Pictures to come soon!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
13 Weeks Left

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Time Flies

Our trusty internet sources tell us that Haley is as tall as an English Hothouse Cucumber...very specific. This means she's about 14 inches long from head to heel and weighs in at 1 2/3 lbs.

Haley continues to move around a lot, which is amazing - slightly less amazing at 3 am, but a blessing none the less. Karl's gotten to feel her squirming around as well and I'm pretty sure Barley the Wonderhound felt it over the weekend. He was snuggling with me when she kicked - he looked at my belly very strangely after that.
The doctor tells me I'm healthy - no anemia, high blood pressure or diabetes. Woo! I feel lucky to have such an easy going pregnancy so far (knocking on wood). I wonder if this means that Haley's going to give us a run for our money when she arrives. Beginning in June I'll be visiting the doctor every two weeks...Dr. Newby telling me that made me realize that Haley really will be here before we know it.
We've found our daycare provider - what a relief! Sheri runs a small daycare out of her home and only has three infants (under 18 months) in her care at a time. Currently, Haley will be her only full-time baby, which means the little bean will get lots of snuggles.
P.S. Charlie continues to be the cutest nephew on the block. I had the pleasure of co-babysitting with the grandparents a few weekends ago. We put him in his bouncy chair while we ate and Charlie decided to rip a number of very loud man-sized toots and flash us a darling smile after each one - he's such a boy! How come baby toots are so ridiculously cute?