Tuesday, April 28, 2009
25 Weeks Down, 15 To Go
She's starting to pack on the baby fat and sprout some hair. Karl is hopeful that Haley is born with some hair on his head. I had to break the news to him that I was a baldy for 2 years. Bald is beautiful!
Haley continues to move and squirm on a very regular basis. I think she takes a secret joy in hitting my bladder in the middle of the night. She's going to be grounded the moment she comes out :O)
I passed the glucose test (yay!) and have a doctor's appointment later this week. We've signed up for our childbirth class and are quickly approaching the 3rd trimester. It's going by so fast!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Dear Haley,
"Can you make me some orange juice please? Fresh squeezed if possible," I hollered from the bedroom, knowing full well we didn't have oj in the fridge or oranges anywhere in the house.
"We don't have orange juice Kara," Karl responded from the kitchen.
"I know, but a girl and her pregnant belly can dream."
The next thing I know your dad hands me glass of grapefruit juice...fresh squeezed. I don't know if I've tasted anything better in the 24 weeks I've been pregnant with you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tall as an ear of corn
The little lady has also decided that it's fun to wake Mom up at 4 am to dance around her belly. I think Haley is going to be a dancer or soccer player - she can kick! We're going to get another view of her in a few weeks with a 3-D ultrasound. Johnson County Ultrasound knows how to appeal to its target JoCo market; 5 guests are allowed to come with me (both sets of grandparents and Karl) to watch the ultrasound on a big screen while enjoying snacks and drinks.
The nursery is coming together slowly but surely. Pictures will be posted soon!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Baby Mango
Karl and I had a wonderful Easter - baby Haley reaped the rewards and was spoiled with all kinds of cute things. Our families are wonderfully generous - thank you all! It's hard to believe that next Easter we'll have an 8 month old.
We're headed to Omaha this weekend with Nana and Papa Manies, our good friends Stacey and Jake and their cutie, Ryan. We're going to the zoo, which is amazing. It'll be nice to get away for a weekend. Pictures to come!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Baby Roo
Drumroll Please!
Our ultrasound was on Friday and I was a nervous wreck! I desperately wanted to know the gender of the baby and was fearful that he/she wouldn't cooperate. As I predicted, Babycakes played hard to get. She moved and kicked each time the technician got close to telling us. Just as the technician got to the right position, the baby put her hand between her legs. After some prodding and poking we finally saw the girl parts.
Karl and I are over the moon - it's such a relief to say 'she' and 'her' instead of 'it.' As for her name, we are spilling the beans early.
Haley Lynn Schweigel
Haley is the name Karl has had picked out for years. Lynn is both our mother's middle names - the coincidence was too good to be true. We can't wait to meet her and the color pink has already started to invade our house.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dream Analysis
Bare with me, because it is unusual. Weird enough for Karl to question my sanity. In my dream I was with our baby and the baby (like all other babies) was in plastic casing, like you might find a doll at a toy store (first sign of weirdness). Anyhow, our baby had pink earrings and a necklace on (weirdness again). I was disappointed because Karl wasn't with me and now I knew we were having a girl. There was a lady next to me - a nurse or doctor maybe - told me that I couldn't be sure. We argued for awhile and when I picked the baby up its diaper fell off and lo and behold, the baby most definitely wasn't a girl. The mysterious lady I earlier argued with told me that the earrings and necklace were for show...there to trick us.
I can't begin to explain what this dream means, other than I might be a bit nuts. We'll find out what we're having tomorrow...we can't wait!!